10 Common Job Interview Questions

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Businessman shaking hand of job applicant in office

A job interview can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially when you’re unsure of what to expect. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a fresh graduate seeking your first job, knowing the most common questions interviewers ask is essential for acing that interview and landing your dream job. 

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the top 10 job interview questions and how to prepare impressive answers that will set you apart from other applicants. So sit tight and read on to give your interviewing skills a boost! 

Tell me about yourself 

In any job interview, the first question you’ll be asked is about yourself. This may seem like a simple question, but it’s actually quite difficult to answer well. The goal of this question is for the interviewer to get to know you better and learn more about your professional history and experiences. 

You should take this opportunity to give a brief overview of who you are and what you do. Include information about your current or most recent job, your previous work experiences, and your education. Be sure to focus on the skills and qualities that make you the best candidate for the job you’re interviewing for. 

When answering this question, be sure to stay positive and avoid talking about any negative aspects of your professional history. You want to make a good impression on the interviewer and show them that you’re excited about the opportunity to work with their company. 

What strengths do you have that will benefit the role? 

This question is asking about specific qualities or skills that make you well-suited for the job. When preparing your answer, think about what qualities are required for success in the role and which of your strengths align with those requirements. 

For example, if you’re applying for a sales position, examples of strengths that would benefit the role include being highly motivated, persuasive, and able to build rapport quickly. If you’re applying for a customer service role, examples of relevant strengths might include being patient, having excellent communication skills, and being able to stay calm under pressure. 

When answering this question, try to give concrete examples that illustrate your chosen strength. For instance, rather than simply saying “I’m a people person” or “I have great attention to detail”, elaborate on what those things mean 

Related: How to Boost Your Confidence During the Job Search Process

What are your weaknesses? 

One of the most common questions asked in a job interview is “What are your weaknesses?” Many people find this question difficult to answer because they don’t want to give their interviewer any ammunition that could be used against them. However, if you’re asked this question, it’s important to be honest and give a real answer. 

Your weaknesses should be qualities that you are working on improving. For example, if you tend to get nervous in front of large groups of people, you could say that you’re working on building up your confidence. Alternatively, if you have trouble staying organized, you could say that you’re working on developing better time management skills. 

Giving your interviewer a real answer shows that you’re self-aware and willing to work on improving yourself. It will also give them a better idea of whether or not you’re a good fit for the position. So, when you’re preparing for your next job interview, take some time to think about your weaknesses and how you can turn them into positive qualities. 

Why do you want this job? 

If you’re like most job seekers, you probably have some notion of why you want the job you’re interviewing for. But when interviewers ask this question, they’re looking to see if your motivations line up with what they’re looking for in an employee. 

The best way to answer this question is to focus on what you can bring to the company and how the job aligns with your long-term career goals. For example, if you’re applying for a marketing position, you might say that you’re attracted to the company’s reputation and that you hope to learn new skills that will help you in your future career. 

Avoid giving answers that focus purely on personal motivation, such as wanting more money or flexible hours. While these may be true, they won’t impress your interviewer and could make it seem like you’re not really interested in the role itself. 

Related: How to Prepare for a Successful Remote Job Interview 

How would your former/current boss describe you? 

Your interviewer is likely looking to get a sense of how you are perceived by others, especially those in positions of authority. They want to know if you are someone who takes direction well, or if you tend to butt heads with those in charge.  

Be honest in your answer, but try to focus on the positive aspects of your relationship with your former boss. For example, maybe you were always the first one to volunteer for new assignments, or maybe you were known for being particularly calm under pressure. 


Remember, a job interview is a two-way street. Take the time to use each question as an opportunity to demonstrate why you’re the perfect fit for the job. When it comes down to it, employers are looking for candidates that appear confident and knowledgeable about their experience — so let your answers reflect just that! With these tips in mind, we wish you luck in nailing your next job interview. 

Candidate Interviews: Breaking Down 5 Common Mistakes

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Candidate participating in an interview

Are you tired of making common mistakes in candidate interviews? As a hiring manager, it can be challenging to navigate the interviewing process and find the perfect match for your organization. In this article, we explore some of the most common pitfalls in interviewing candidates and discuss ways to avoid them. From asking leading questions to failing to assess cultural fit- we have got you covered on everything you need to know about conducting a successful candidate interview. So buckle up and get ready to take your hiring game to new heights! 

Mistake 1: Using a “One-Size Fits All” Approach for Every Interview 

When it comes to candidate interviews, one size does not fit all. Every candidate is different, and so are the questions that will help you get to know them better. Asking the same questions to every candidate will give you a limited view of their skills and experience. 

To get the most out of your candidate interview, tailor your questions to each individual. Consider their resume, cover letter, and any other materials you’ve reviewed before the interview. Think about what you want to know more about and use those topics as a guide for your questioning. 

In addition to asking tailored questions, pay attention to other cues that can indicate whether or not a candidate is a good fit for the role. Body language, eye contact, and tone of voice can all give you insights into a person’s true character. By paying attention to these nonverbal cues, you can get a better sense of whether or not someone would be a good addition to your team. 

Mistake 2: Not Having a Structured Interview Process 

When it comes to a candidate interview, one of the most common mistakes hiring managers make is not having a structured interview process. This can lead to a number of problems, including interviews that are too long or too short, lack a clear focus, and fail to elicit important information from candidates. 

To avoid these pitfalls, it’s important to have a plan for each interview you conduct. Start by creating a list of the key skills and attributes you’re looking for in a successful candidate. Then, craft questions that will help you assess those qualities. Finally, establish ground rules for the interview itself, such as time limits and format. 

By following these steps, you can ensure that your interviews are more effective and informative, and that you’re better able to identify the right candidate for the job. 

Mistake 3: Not Doing Proper Research on the Candidate 

One of the most common mistakes made during a candidate interview is not doing proper research on the candidate. This can be a costly mistake, as it may lead to hiring someone who is not a good fit for the position or company.  

To avoid this, take some time to research the candidate prior to the interview. Look at their CV and online presence to get an idea of their qualifications and work history. This will help you ask more targeted questions during the interview and ensure that you are making a well-informed decision. 

Related: Onboarding New Hires for Success: A Recruitment Agency’s Guide To Making It Work 

Mistake 4: Focusing Too Much on Skills and Competences 

When meeting with a candidate for the first time, it can be easy to focus too much on their skills and competences. However, it’s important to remember that interviewees are also people with their own individual personalities, motivations and goals. 

By taking the time to get to know them on a personal level, you’ll be able to better understand how they’ll fit into your team and what kind of contribution they can make. Additionally, building a rapport with candidates will help them feel more comfortable during the interview process and allow them to show their true selves. 

Related: Why Employer Branding Is The Key To Successful Recruitment 

Mistake 5: Not Preparing Enough Questions 

If you’re not careful, you may not ask enough questions during a candidate interview. This can be a mistake, as it can leave you without the information you need to make a hiring decision. 

To avoid this, make sure to prepare a list of questions in advance. Consider what you need to know about the candidate and what would be most helpful in making a decision. Then, make sure to ask those questions during the interview. 

If you’re not sure what to ask, here are some examples: 

– Can you tell me about your experience with [relevant task or responsibility]? 

– What challenges have you faced in your previous roles? How did you overcome them? 

– What would you do if confronted with [problem scenario]? 

– Tell me about a time when you had to go above and beyond your job duty. What was the situation and what did you do? 

– Tell me about a time when you made a mistake at work. How did you handle it? What did you learn from it? 


A candidate interview can make or break a decision to hire the right person for a role. Avoiding common mistakes will help create an interview process that reinforces objectivity and delivers unique insight into how candidates think, allowing employers to identify the absolute best fit every single time. May this article guide your way through avoiding these five pitfalls in order to lead a successful candidate interview!